Customer Service
The Navy Illustrator Draftsman is a customer service oriented rate. We
provide a product to a customer. Your customer maybe the fleet, a
coworker or peer, your seniors, and even a subordinate. The customer
perceives your attitude and responsiveness as part of the product. You spoil
a beautifully executed product by treating a customer poorly. Poor treatment
is what a customer remembers. If you are not able to assist your customers,
refer them to someone who can. Dont let a customer walk away from you
Figure 1-29 shows worker responsibilities to extend professional customer
Figure 1-29. Service obligations.
Be courteous and responsive to the requests of customers. Listen carefully to
what they want. If they are asking the impossible, tell them so and offer
alternatives and solutions. Project a positive attitude and do not ridicule
customers for their ignorance. You are the expert; guide them
professionally. Most customers are not aware of the talents that a DM has or
the capabilities of the shop.