Furniture, Continued
Paper cutters
The most abused tool in the shop is the paper cutter. Because of this abuse,
do not trust the scale at the top of the cutter for accuracy. When you use the
cutter, do not force it to cut more material than it can easily handle. Cut
only paper or light cardstock. Paper cutters come in a variety of sizes with
the most common measuring 36 inches in blade length.
To use a paper cutter, follow this table:
Measure and mark the piece to be cut.
Raise cutter arm.
Hold the piece firmly against top edge of cutter.
Draw cutting arm swiftly and cleanly down in one stroke.
If item is too large for one cut:
cut through item stopping short of the end by 5 inches,
rotate and reposition item to place uncut portion at the top of the
cutter, and
carefully and firmly complete cut.
Replace arm in DOWN position and engage safety catch;
failure to engage safety catch may result in the arm springing up
and damaging the mechanism at the top of the cutter.
CAUTION: Never have a coworker assist by catching paper cuttings. Even
a dull blade can sever skin.
Continued on next page