Shop Layout, Continued
Ideally, drafting shops are divided into the following three distinct areas:
a reproduction area,
a storage area, and
a work area.
The chances are that your shop was set up before you arrived. Review your
shop spaces with an eye for an improved work environment.
ANALYZE: Analyze your shop spaces periodically to determine if you are
using space and equipment efficiently. Make a scale drawing of your shop
spaces and cutouts of the equipment to arrange and rearrange for maximum
SPACE: Remove unwanted, obsolete, or defective equipment from the shop
and dispose of it properly to free up every inch of space. Locate the
reproduction and storage areas away from the work area to eliminate
distractions. Workers should not have to walk around each other to reach
supplies and reproduction machinery.
NOISE: Minimize the noise in the work area.
TEMPERATURE: Keep the temperatures in all areas comfortable not too
hot and not too cold. Temperatures in the storage area may sour supplies if
overly warm and humid.
LIGHT: Lighting of the proper intensity is critical. All workers should have
a sufficient amount of direct light or they will require additional lighting.
Direct sunlight is rarely available as a steady light source.
COMFORT: Consider every factor that will impact the comfort of the
worker and the security of the equipment and supplies, including the effects
of the pitch and roll of the ship.
CLEANLINESS: Keep everything clean and in a maximum state of
readiness. Clean spaces regularly; clean equipment often. Dirty spaces and
equipment produce dirty work.
SAFETY: Plan for a safe environment.