Phototypesetting machines expose photosensitive paper or film to a light
image of each character set, either electromechanically or by digitation
(cathode-ray tube (CRT)). The two primary components of a phototypesetter
are a keyboard and a processor. Because of rapidly changing technology,
this section provides only a brief overview of phototypesetting systems.
Before covering phototypesetting theory and equipment, lets cover basic
maintenance procedures for the equipment and the handling of the film/paper.
Avoid excessive handling of the film/paper to minimize scraping the
sensitized surface, kinking, and increasing static discharge.
Check the internal mechanism of the processor for:
obstructions in the film/paper path and
the solution level of the processor tanks.
Rinse the roller assembly and trays daily with warm water and loosen
crystallized chemical deposits with a soft brush.
Clean optical surfaces with a lint-free cloth or chamois and mirrored
surfaces with a camel hair brush.
Refer to the owners manual for specific maintenance periodicities,
With most typesetting equipment, it is possible to adjust type size, type font,
line length, letter density, word, line, and lettering spacing, type position,
and leading. Some typesetters are further divided by their ability to produce
display type or body type. Direct keyboard, magnetic storage on tape or
disk, and a retrieval system through optical character recognition (OCR) are
available on newer machines. Refer to your owners manual for the full
range of operator adjustments.
Continued on next page