An exhibit is a presentation of a body of work. Exhibitions are similar to
displays, with subtle differences. You will not often have an occasion to set up
an exhibit, but you should know the fine line between a display and exhibit.
The work in the exhibit may be by one creator or by many creators in one style.
There need not be an overriding theme.
For example, an exhibition of
Salvadore Dali will have only work created by Dali but, an exhibition of
Surrealists will contain work by Dali, Magritte, and other artists in the same
school of thought. Exhibits are usually somber, surrounded by as much
neutrality as possible so as not to interfere with the impact of the work
presented. Exhibits are intended for large, transitory audiences with a
fundamental interest in the material on exhibit. Advertise an exhibit to create
pre-opening interest.
Locate an exhibit near heavily trafficked areas. Keep the exhibit room quiet,
scrupulously clean, and the room temperature cool.
Select a spacious and
secure area, such as a conference room or classroom. When an exhibit closes,
you should be able to lock the space.