Prepress Preparation, Continued
Indentions give emphasis and new starting points to a printed page.
Indenting text is the moving of one or more lines of printed or typewritten
material in from the margins. Paragraphs, quotations, hanging, stepped or
staggered indentations are all used to facilitate communication. Set poetry
according to the style set by the author.
PARAGRAPHS: Indent paragraphs to indicate the beginning or end of a
complete thought or idea.
LONG QUOTES: Place long quotations or quotations requiring special
emphasis in a separate paragraph. They may be set full measure or indented
from both margins.
SHORT QUOTES: Bury short quotations in the body of the text.
HANGING INDENTATIONS: The first line of a hanging indentation is set
flush left with all other lines set one or more em spaces from the left. This
type of indention is used in tabular work, listings, legends, and captions
when they exceed two lines.
STEPPED or STAGGERED INDENTATIONS: Progressively stepped or
staggered indentations are normally used in newspaper headings and modern
layouts with irregular indentations. Some poetry is also staggered or
Figure 1-19 shows an example of staggered indentation.
Figure 1-19.Staggered indentations.
Continued on next page