There is a long history of the use of cartoons in the military. During World
War II, popular cartoon characters adorned aircraft fuselages as nose art and
squadrons patches identified squadrons and their missions. More recently,
Half Hitch, a cartoon Sailor, and Grampa Pettibone, an old chief safety
supervisor, appeared in Navy magazines. Cartoons are commonly found on
safety posters and in some training manuals such as this one and the manual
on The Metric System.
Advantages of
Cartoons are natural attention getters and hold viewers attention long enough
to deliver short messages. They liven up dreary subjects. Cartoons
emphasize security and safety, add interest to training and briefing material,
and promote recruiting and retention. Use a cartoon to subdue real tragedies
that would normally frighten or repulse.
Figure 4-1 shows a cartoon safety poster depicting a real hazard and a
potential tragedy.
Figure 4-1.A safety poster depicting a
real hazard and a potential tragedy.
Continued on next page