Gesture Drawing
In addition to an outline, objects have perceived mass and weight. Correctly
portraying mass gives drawings a three-dimensional feel.
Gesture drawing is an important technique for developing the ability to draw
figures. Gesture drawings are rapidly executed drawings of mass and weight
that do not involve outlines or details. To draw in gesture, look only at the
object, not at the paper. As you move your eyes over the object,
continuously and rapidly move your crayon over the paper. Linger over the
areas with weight or mass. You may draw using short abbreviated strokes or
you use a continuous stroke never removing the crayon from the paper.
Sparsely draw those areas on the object with little weight or mass.
your drawings may appear childlike. After extended practice in gesture
drawing, you should perceive weight and mass realistically and with correct
Figure 3-7 shows examples of practice gesture drawings.
Figure 3-7.Gesture drawing.