Plumbing/Piping Drawings, Continued
Color codes
MIL-STD-101C establishes the color code used to identify piping carrying
hazardous fluids. It applies to all piping installations in naval industrial
plants and shore stations that use color coding. All valve wheels must be
color coded. Color coding on pipes is optional.
This list outlines common color codes for fluid under MIL-STD-101C.
Flammable materials
Toxic and poisonous materials
Anesthetics and harmful materials
Oxidizing materials
Physically dangerous materials
Fire protection materials
Fluid lines on aircraft are marked according to MIL-STD-1247C, Markings,
Functions, and Designations of Hoses, Piping, and Tube Lines for Aircraft,
Missiles, and Space Systems. Aircraft fluid lines are also marked with an
arrow to show direction of flow and a hazard marking. The four general
classes of hazards are FLAM for flammable or combustible materials,
TOXIC for material extremely hazardous to life or health, AAHM for
anesthetics, vaporous and nonvaporous that present dangers to life and
health, and PHDAN for materials that by themselves are not dangerous but
present the danger of asphyxiation. PHDAN material are often pressurized
or temperature sensitive.
Continued on next page