Linear Perspective
Linear perspective, aerial perspective, and shading are the prime methods for
conveying a sense of natural space and three-dimensional form. In linear
perspective, converging lines express the recession of parallel forms into
space away from the observer. Linear perspective produces images that are
accurate representations of real objects recognized and identified by artists
and laymen alike.
Linear perspective is a geometric system for depicting objects, planes, and
volumes in space on a two-dimensional field. This precise mathematical
interpretation is based on the location of the observer in reference to the
objects drawn. This system uses size, position, and converging parallels to
create a unified spatial order. Certain characteristics common to images
drawn in linear perspective are vanishing points, horizon lines, ground lines,
and picture planes. Linear perspective is the type of perspective most
commonly used by draftsmen and artists.
is an example of linear perspective.
Figure 5-9.Linear perspective.