Blueprint Compositions, ContinuedReferenceReference numbers refer to numbers of other drawings. A dash and anumbersnumber show that more than one detail is shown on a drawing. When twoparts are shown in the detail drawing, the print has the drawing number plusa dash and an individual number. Dashes and numbers identify changed orimproved parts and right- or left-hand parts. Left-hand parts are usuallydepicted in drawings. Some drawings use RH or LH for right- or left-handparts. Others use even numbers for right-hand drawings and odd numbersfor left-hand drawings. Reference numbers appear in the title block and theymay also appear within the drawing near the parts they identify. Somereference numbers use a leader line to show the drawing and dash number ofthe part. Others use a 3/8-inch diameter circle around a dash number with aleader line to the part.Figure 1-38 is an example of reference numbers.Figure 1-38.—Reference number location.1-50Continued on next page
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