SHEER PLANThe profile of a ships hull, composed
of superimposed buttock lines.
SHEET STEELFlat steel weighing less than 5
pounds per square foot.
SHIPS PLANSA set of drawings of all significant
construction features and equipment of a ship, as
needed to operate and maintain the ship. Also called
SHRINK RULEA special rule for use by
patternmakers. It has an expanded scale, rather than
a true scale, to allow for shrinkage of castings.
SILLA horizontal structural member supported by its
SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAMA diagram using single
lines and graphic symbols to simplify a complex
circuit or system.
SOLE PLATEA horizontal structural member used
as a base for studs or columns.
identification relating to quality, strength, or similar
performance requirement
STATION NUMBERSDesignations of reference
lines used to indicate linear positions along a
component such as an air frame or ships hull.
STEEL PLATEFlat steel weighing more than 5
pounds per square foot.
STRETCH-OUT LINEThe base or reference line
used in making a development.
STUDA light vertical structure member, usually of
wood or light structural steel, used as part of a wall
and for supporting moderate loads.
SYMBOLStylized graphical representation of
commonly used component parts shown in a
TEMPERTo harden steel by heating and sudden
cooling by immersion in oil, water, or other coolant.
TEMPLATEA piece of thin material used as a
true-scale guide or as a model for reproducing
various shapes.
TITLE BLOCKA blocked area in the lower right
corner of the print. Provides information to identify
the drawing, its subject matter, origins, scale, and
other data.
TOLERANCEThe amount that a manufactured part
may vary from its specified size.
TOP PLATEA horizontal member at the top of an
outer building wall; used to support a rafter.
TRACING PAPERHigh-grade, white, transparent
paper that takes pencil well; used when reproduc-
tions are to be made of drawings. Also known as
tracing vellum.
TRIANGULATIONA technique for making
developments of complex sheet metal forms using
geometrical constructions to translate dimensions
from the drawing to the patten.
TRUSSA complex structural member built of upper
and lower members connected by web members.
UTILITY PLANA floor plan of a structure showing
locations of heating, electrical, plumbing and other
service system components.
VIEWA drawing of a side or plane of an object as
seen from one point.
WATERLINEThe outline of a horizontal longi-
tudinal section of a ships hull.
showing the individual connections within a unit
and the physical arrangement of the components.
ZONE NUMBERSNumbers and letters on the
border of a drawing to provide reference points to
aid in indicating or locating specific points on the