MIL-STD-100A specifies the size, format, loca-
tion, and type of information that should be included
in military blueprints. These include the information
blocks, finish marks, notes, specifications, legends,
and symbols you may find on a blueprint, and which
are discussed in the following paragraphs.
The draftsman uses information blocks to give the
reader additional information about materials,
specifications, and so forth that are not shown in the
blueprint or that may need additional explanation. The
draftsman may leave some blocks blank if the
information in that block is not needed. The following
paragraphs contain examples of information blocks.
Title Block
The title block is located in the lower-right corner
of all blueprints and drawings prepared according to
MIL-STDs. It contains the drawing number, name of
the part or assembly that it represents, and all informa-
tion required to identify the part or assembly.
It also includes the name and address of the govem-
ment agency or organization preparing the drawing,
Figure 1-1.Blueprint title blocks. (A) Naval Ship Systems Command; (B) Naval Facilities Engineering Command.