Basic Consumables
Many things a DM uses in the shop are consumable items. Erasers, pencils,
and brushes are used and discarded. These items are underestimated in terms
of what they do to ease the work load of the DM.
There are electric erasers and hand erasers.
ELECTRIC ERASERS: Electric erasers are hand-held units with a power
cord or rechargeable base. They provide a rapid and thorough erasure. Take
care not to hold the eraser in one spot for too long as the rotation of the
eraser and heat generated by it will damage the paper surface. Move the
electric eraser in a circular motion over the drawing protecting those areas to
remain with an erasing shield.
Figure 2-71 shows silhouettes of some popular electric erasers.
Figure 2-71. Electric erasers.
Continued on next page