Edit Devices, Continued
Compact Disk
Read Only
Memory (CD
A compact disk read only memory (CD ROM) drive is a disk drive that reads
data stored on computer disks. It can be internal or external to the system
unit. CD ROM is used when many users need the same information and the
nature of the information remains constant over time. The expression Write
Once/Read Many (WORM) describes this type of technology. On CD ROM,
information once recorded cannot be erased or changed, only read many
Video Graphics
Array (VGA)
One piece of hardware that controls the size and resolution of what you see
on the computer screen is a Video Graphics Array (VGA) or graphics card,
This card, located on the motherboard, intervenes between the CPU and the
monitor to control the screen display. This graphics card is extremely
important to you as a DM. When you assess the capabilities of your
computer, you should consider upgrading your graphics card to a Super
Video Graphics Array. VGA boards are available as a grey scale display
board or as a color display board. Grey scale display boards have 4 to 8 bits
per pixel (picture element) and offer from 70 to 256 levels of grey. Color
display boards have 8 to 24 bits per pixel and offer smooth blends and
continuous color.