Regulations govern every facet of military life, including the jobs we do and
how we do them. They provide guidance and direction. They ensure
uniformity and discipline. However, the word regulations seems always to
have a derogatory connotation, but regulations actually work for you. When
you know and operate within the guidelines of published regulations, you,
your shop, and the people that work for you are well taken care of.
Local policy
Local commands may have an established policy regarding the function and
use of the Graphics shop. Some do not. If a guidance policy does not exist
for your shop, it would be wise for you to create one. If one exists, review it
annually and update it as necessary.
A command policy or instruction minimizes the opportunity to abuse shop
personnel, equipment, and supplies. It establishes procedures, establishes a
chain of command for requesting services, and sets criteria for priority work.
When you have to create a command policy or instruction, use existing
guidance already promulgated in Navy and Department of Defense
Although the instructions in this section were current at the time of this
writing, they are subject to periodic review. Gather these instructions as
reference material and be sure to collect the most recent edition. This
training manual will not cover them in detail.
Continued on next page