Copyfitting, or copy casting, is the process by which you plan and specify
the setting of a given body of text to fit an available space. There are
different methods for copy fitting; the two methods for copyfitting covered
by this chapter are the character count method and the line measurement
method. To begin, use a page of double spaced typewritten text on a sheet of
8 1/2 by 11-inch paper. The left-hand margin and the top margin should
measure 1 1/2 inches while the right-hand margin and bottom margin should
measure 1 inch.
To use the character count method of copyfitting, count the number of
count method
characters (letters, numerals, punctuation, and spaces) contained in a
typewritten manuscript and the number of characters per typeset line length
in a chosen size and style of letter to calculate the number of column inches
To use the character count method:
Count the number of characters on each page of the typed
Determine the number of characters in one typeset line of
determined length in the chosen typeface.
Determine the number of lines per inch by
measuring 1 inch and counting the number of lines, then,
divide this number into the total number of lines in the
typewritten copy to get the length of the copy in inches.
Make allowances for headings and illustrations using good
judgment and experience.
Continued on next page