Viewgraphs, Continued
The quickest way to make a viewgraph is to take a felt-tipped marker or
grease pencil and mark directly on the surface of an acetate sheet. Drawing
inks do not adhere to the slick plastic surface of the viewgraph. Some felt-
tipped markers are permanent and others erase with water. Strokes appear to
pool or be uneven in density when you use markers to fill large areas with
color. Use this unavoidable effect creatively. If you want areas of solid
color without apparent strokes, use an adhesive-backed color acetate and
burnish it carefully to the acetate surface.
You can use the lift method to create one-of-a kind viewgraphs. You lift an
image from a printed image using rubber cement, adhesive-backed acetate, or
the dry mount press. Each technique destroys the page and can only be used
once. The image you select to lift must be an image printed on a clay-based
paper stock. To test for clay in the paper stock, moisten a small portion of
the paper and rub your finger over the wet area. If you can easily rub away
the paper surface and it leaves a white, chalky residue on your fingers, it is
clay coated.
Figure 2-21 shows the steps involved in lifting images from a printed page.
Figure 2-21. Lifting an image from a pre-
printed page.
Continued on next page