Organization Charts, Continued
The two types of line conventions used in organization charts are lines of
authority and block lines. Create a legend on a chart that contains lines of
many resolutions or definitions.
LINES OF AUTHORITY: Lines of authority are solid lines that run either
horizontally or vertically from or to the center of each block. Take care not
to cross lines of authority as this confuses the path of command. To denote
liaison or intercommunication, use a dashed line and explain the relationship
in a legend.
BLOCK LINES: You may use many variations of line resolutions to indicate
special circumstances or relationships on an organization chart. If you do,
place a legend on the chart to explain their meaning. Use the following table
to determine the appropriate line convention for your organization chart.
Line Conventions
Solid line
Existing, full-time subdivisions.
Dashed (hidden)
Proposed, full-time subdivisions.
line - - - - - - - - - -
Alternating dot-
Full-time subdivisions being abolished.
dot-dash lines . ._ . .
Dotted line . . . . . . . . .
Inactive command components or components
manned upon mobilization
Continued on next page