Glossary, Continued
P (Continued)
PIGMENTDry color matter that becomes paint when mixed with a vehicle
or binder.
PINHOLEA small light spot that appears on a developed photographic
negative resulting from particles of dust and lint on the unexposed negative,
the camera lens, the vacuum board glass, or other parts of the camera.
PIN REGISTERA method of holding elements in place in overlay work
and animation.
PIXELAlso called PICTURE ELEMENT. A small bit of digital data from
a computer screen.
PIXEL MAPAlso called BIT MAP. A matrix of pixels that form a digital
image on the computer screen.
PIXILATED Having jagged edges.
PIXELSpecifying the size of a pixel on the computer screen.
PLAIN TITLE CARDPrinted information only on a card for television
transmission of credit lines.
PLAN VIEWA view of an object or area as it would appear if viewed
from directly above.
PLANEA flat surface.
PLANNING CARDSA small card containing a idea or point placed in
sequence on a storyboard.
PLATA map or plan view of a lot showing principal features, boundaries,
and location of structures.
PLATE FINISHA smooth surfaced paper.
PLYA single layer of drawing paper.
Continued on next page