Elemental Construction
Cartooning and caricature drawing are supreme exercises for hand and eye
coordination. Caricatures require astute observational skills and hand and
eye coordination because cartooning and caricature are done freehand.
Practice cannot be overemphasized.
Elemental construction of cartoon figures involves the action lines, creating
the head, adding features to the head, and drawing body parts. Consider the
whole cartoon figure and the action that figure is to take. Begin with a
foundation that clearly states the action required of the figure and work your
way through the cartoon by drawing the head first, then arms, legs, upper
torso, and lower torso.
The foundation of cartoon figures starts with the construction of action lines.
Determine the action that best represents the message or information you
wish to convey. Use stick-figure construction or the action line method to
frame the action and activity of the figure.
Figure 4-10 shows stick-figure construction or the action line method of
creating the foundation of cartoon figures.
Figure 4-10.Stick-figure
construction or the action line method
of creating the foundation of cartoon
Continued on next page