Letter Geometry, Continued
LINE OF ASCENT: The line of ascent is drawn above the capline to set the
height of lower case letters whose stems extend above the waistline such as
letters like d, f, h, k, l, and b. The letter t often falls short of both the
capline and the line of ascent. The line of ascent is drawn above or on the
capline and equals approximately one third the distance between the capline
and baseline. In some cases, the capline and the line of ascent are the same
line. Ascender is the name given to the tall stems of lower case letters.
LINE OF DESCENT or DROP LINE: The line of descent or drop line is
the line that terminates stems of letters that drop below the baseline such as
q, y, p, g, and j. Draw the line of descent below the baseline at a position
equal to one third the distance from capline to baseline. The portion of the
stem that falls below the baseline is called the descender.
Figure 5-13 shows the placement of the lines of ascent and descent.
Figure 5-13.Lines of ascent and descent.
Continued on next page