Facial Features, Continued
Mouth and chin The mouth, like the eyes, is very expressive. The upper lip is thickest in the
center and thins downward to the corners. The upper lip is flat and angular
compared to the lower lip which is more rounded. When the mouth closes,
the center section of the upper lip thrusts forward and rests in the center of
the lower lip. The lower lip rests under the upper lip. When seen in profile,
the lips slope backward from near the top of the nose to the furrow at the top
of the chin. A slight depression forms when the corners of the mouth meet
the lower cheek. This depression is usually more pronounced in male faces.
In a smile or laugh, the corners of the mouth pull back drawing the upper lip
taut and curving the lower lip upwards. The upper teeth are normally visible
during a smile. Rarely are the lower teeth seen except in extreme actions of
the mouth. The chin bulges forward at the center. The shape of the chin
usually matches the character of the rest of the face.
Figure 3-51 shows mouth and chin combinations.
Figure 3-51.Mouth and chin combinations.
Continued on next page