This chapter provides an elementary explanation of light and light
characteristics and a brief description of how light responds to different
media, reflects off of unlike surfaces, and what this does to local color.
chapter provided an introduction of basic color theories and showed
fundamental differences between additive and subtractive color theories.
Process color and the technologically advanced CEPS systems are another
form of color creation using inks instead of light or pigments. Desktop color
is color derived from light and modified by digitization. Neither color nor
black-and-white would be possible without light.
People are intrigued by color and gravitate toward it. Sometimes, poor or
mediocre compositions receive praise solely on the fact that they are colorful.
This is particularly true in photographs. When used correctly, color can be
powerful and persuasive. Learn how to use color. Dont rely on adding
color to revive poor illustrations. As an Illustrator Draftsman, you should
strive to create images that remain strong with or without color. A true test
of sophisticated composition is tonal clarity in black-and-white reproductions.