Glossary, Continued
C (Continued)
COMPUTER PLATFORMThe use of a particular brand of computer to
develop software programs specifically for that brand.
COMPLEMENTARY COLORSAny two opposing hues on a color
COMPOSITEComprised of two or more parts.
COMPOSITIONThe arrangement of forms, colors, lines, and other
pictorial units.
COMPOSITOR A machine that converts electronic data into an acceptable
format for a printer.
COMPREHENSIVE A layout of art or type, either in blackand-white or
COMPREHENSIVE SKETCHA finished layout that defines all of the
elements, such as type, illustration, and spacing.
COMPRESSED FILESCompacting computergenerated files to save disk
and memory space or to facilitate faxing.
COMPUTER GRAPHICSArtwork created by the use of a computer.
CONSTRUCTIONThe drawing of objects so that they appear solid or
three dimensional.
CONSTRUCTION LINESLightly drawn lines used in the preliminary
layout of a drawing.
CONTACT SCREENA screen placed in direct contact with the film or
plate to obtain a halftone pattern from a continuoustone original.
CONTINUOUS-TONE ARTArtwork created using any medium that does
not use a halftone process to represent tone.
Continued on next page