Glossary, Continued
EARTH COLORSPigments made from earth minerals.
EDGEThe border or outline of a form or shape.
EDITTo check, add, or delete.
EDIT CONTROLLERA machine that locates the beginning and end of a
scene used for cuing VCRs for presentation.
EGG-OIL TEMPERAAn opaque watercolor similar to egg-based tempura
but with an added oil that makes the medium easier to handle and adaptable
to a wider range of effects.
EGG TEMPURAAn opaque watercolor paint that uses egg yoke as a
ELECTRONIC IMAGINGThe creation, enhancement, and alteration of
images through electronic or computer digitization.
ELEVATION A four-view drawing of a structure showing front, sides, and
ELITEA type size for typewriters approximating 10 point printing type
having 12 characters to the linear inch of copy and 6 lines to the vertical
ELLIPSEThe enclosed plane forming a regular oval where the shortest
dimension through the center is the minor axis and the longest dimension is
the major axis.
EMA measure of type equal to the square of the type body, derived from
early type practices in which the letter M was cast on a square body.
EMPHASISStress or accent on any part of a design or picture.
EMULSIONA suspension of fine drops or globules of one liquid in
another liquid.
Continued on next page