Glossary, Continued
W (Continued)
WAXERA device that applies a thin layer of hot, adhesive wax to the back
of a surface.
WET BRUSHA blending technique of laying two pigments side-by-side
and blurring the line of demarcation while the pigments are still wet.
WHITE LEADA fine, poisonous, opaque white pigment used in flake
white and Cremnitz white oil paints.
WIDE ANGLE LENSA very short focal-length lens that encompasses a
larger horizontal view than a standard lens. This lens, depending on the
focal length, records an image with increasingly pronounced (barrel)
WORD PROCESSINGThe transformation of a concept or idea into
printed communication media by using mechanical or automated systems,
methods, or processes.
WORD SPACINGThe adjustment of spacing between words to shorten or
extend a line to achieve justification.
WORKING DRAWINGA thorough preliminary drawing done on tracing
paper then transferred to a working surface for the finished rendering.
WOVE PAPERA broad range of papers having an even fiber formation
produced over fine wire mesh.
WRAPPING(1) A computer feature that automatically enters a soft return
reveal code and continues to enter data from the same sentence on another
line; (2) Selecting a pattern or design and wrapping it around an object on the
WRICOA hand-lettering system using a set of templates and a drop fed
Continued on next page