You may have to operate cameras in the shop or small-format adjustable
cameras in the field. Knowledge of camera types and basic functions of
camera parts is essential. The theory of operation and maintenance
procedures for different camera types is similar.
Camera theory
Cameras are mechanical optical instruments that use light to record latent
images on film or paper. Light, reflected from object surfaces or scenes,
enters the camera through a lens. Lenses funnel light through a series of
convex and concave, optically pure glass until the light reaches the film
surface. Controlling the amount of light and the length of exposure to light
determines how films register light until chemicals develop the image on the
All cameras require maintenance. To keep cameras in your shop in optimum
working condition, you should perform regular camera maintenance. The
Navy Planned Maintenance System (PMS) has PMS cards detailing
maintenance procedures and periodicities. Maintenance on process, copy,
and small-format cameras may consist of any of the following actions.
Inspect all electrical cords for fraying or bare wire.
Check the battery compartment for battery status:
is the battery present,
is the battery fresh, and
is the battery swollen or leaking.
Clean optical surfaces with lint-free cloths or chamois.
Clean mirrored surfaces with soft camel hair brushes.
Remove debris and lint from bellows, copyboard, and film plane.
Lightly oil rotating handwheels, cranks, and worm gears.
Wipe down camera body with lint-free cloths or chamois.
Dust inside film back with soft camel hair brushes.
Remove batteries before storing the camera for any length of time.
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