Airbrushes, Continued
Adjust the spray of double-action airbrushes before use. After adjustment,
control the spray pattern by how far back you pull the finger lever (pigment
flow) or increasing or decreasing the distance between the airbrush and
paper. Setting the adjustment screw, located on the side of the airbrush near
the finger lever, makes the flow of pigment constant. The double-action
airbrush then works like a single-action airbrush and only requires the
depression of the finger lever to release air.
To adjust the spray pattern of double-action airbrushes:
Turn off fluid control at the nozzle.
Hold the airbrush ½ inch in front of a scrap of paper.
Depress the finger lever and slowly open the nozzle (fluid control)
until a wisp of color appears.
To make the spray patten wider, continue to open the nozzle.
Using a double-
Three distinct motions control and coordinate the use of double-action
action airbrush
airbrushes. During these three actions, keep your hand and arm in motion
until the end of a stroke. At the end of a stroke, allow the finger lever to
move forward to stop paint flow, then , release the lever to stop the air.
Each action must follow the others closely. The entire movement should be
slow, smooth, and steady. Move the whole arm across the paper from the
shoulder, not the wrist. Do not dip your hand, turn your wrist, or change the
angle of the brush.
Begin working about 8 inches above and at a 90° angle
to the paper surface.
Continued on next page