Facial FeaturesIntroductionThe features of the head are often the most difficult to realistically portray.There is no substitute for constant practice and careful observation.Location of theHorizontal and vertical lines locate facial features on the head. To placefeaturesfeatures on a head, draw a vertical centerline and a horizontal centerline onthe head. The vertical centerline positions the nose and mouth. Thehorizontal centerline locates the eyes and the top of the nose. Just above thehorizontal centerline, draw a line to locate the eyebrows and the top of theears. Draw another horizontal line midway between the horizontal centerlineand the chin to find the bottom of the nose and ears. Just below this, draw ahorizontal line to place the mouth.Figure 3-46 shows the steps involved in placing facial features.Figure 3-46.—Guidlines for placing facial features on thefront (View A) and profile view (View B).Continued on next page3-42
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