Special Effects, ContinuedIncreasing ordecreasingdistancebetween theairbrush andthe papersurfaceIncreasing or decreasing the distance between the airbrush and the surface ofthe paper affects the width and wetness of the spray pattern.Increasingdistance between the airbrush and the paper surface will increase the spraypattern. It will also apply a lighter tone, which dries faster creating a finebarely discernable wisp of color. Decreasing the distance between theairbrush and paper surface lessens the spray pattern applying a heavier,wetter layer of paint that the air from the brush further disburses in spiderylines. This effect is called the centipede effect.Figure 6-31 illustrates the centipede effect resulting from the airbrush heldclosely to the paper surface.Figure 6-31.—The centipede effect.Continued on next page6-38
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