Basic Shapes, ContinuedConesCones are less easy to airbrush for they require some judgment in the shapeof irregular forms. When airbrushing cones, work from light to dark.To airbrush cones:StepAction1Draw a dark outline of a cone.2Place a frisket over the drawing and remove the area to be painted.3Apply a light tone to the left and right side of the cone extendingslightly along the base.4Using the same tone. Paint triangular shapes on each side of thecone from the apex to the base slightly in from the frisket. A raisedmask will soften the edges of the paint.5Apply a darker tone on each side overlapping the frisket.6Use a raised mask and apply a dark tone to the center of the light-toned triangular shapes.7Once dry, remove the frisket.8Clean up the drawing, touch up by hand with a paint brush.Figure 6-36 illustrates the steps in airbrushing cones.Figure 6-36.—Steps in airbrushing cones.6-46
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