Animation, Continued
Spacing guides
The extreme parameters in a range of action performed by the characters and
the amount of time allotted to complete each movement are layed out on
paper and called spacing guides. Time translates into how many seconds at
how many frames per second are required to complete the action from
beginning to end. For a smooth transition in action sequences, make one
drawing per frame. In action sequences of uncomplicated motion, you may
draw every other frame. For example, a 3 second movement filmed at 16
frames per second requires 39 drawings to complete.
Of the 39,
approximately 19 drawings will display simple movement with little jerky
action. Extended movements require more time, and therefore, more
drawings than short movements. Once you determine the length of time to
complete a movement, draw the key positions for the range of action.
Figure 4-8 shows how to compute the number of drawings required to
complete a simple movement of a clock pendulum.
Figure 4-8.Calculating the number of drawings required to
complete an action.
Continued on next page