This chapter is an overview of software programs, features, options, and
commands common to Navy graphics shops in the fleet. There is no attempt
to identify specific programs or to support one program over another.
Software and disk security emphasizes the importance to national security of
proper disk handling. The virus segment helps identify and avoid importing
problems into the system. Familiarity with features, options, and commands
common to many software programs should encourage exploration in
program specific attributes. The segments on directories and subdirectories
and file formats introduce common file construction. Discussions on word
processing, graphics, and desktop publishing software are necessarily generic
to avoid the pitfalls of locking onto one specific program. Web page
construction represents your command to the world and deserves careful
planning and execution.
Computers play an increasingly important part in your life as a DM with
computer-generated imagery as one of the fastest growing commercial fields
in the world today. Experiment with the software programs on your work
center computer. Your attitude toward computers and your ability to work
with them may determine your future success as a DM and the future of the
rate in the Navy. Stay abreast of developments. To create successful
computer-generated layouts and graphics still requires a traditional foundation
in draftsmanship, composition, color harmony, value, texture, and light.
Without the knowledge of graphic design principles, computer-generated art
approaches technological sterility and discord. Cultivate applications for
computer-generated imagery in your command. Aggressively seek and take
responsibility for web page construction and other potential graphic
applications in your command to keep the rate alive.