This chapter introduces you to various types of technical drawings.
Beginning with a brief description of technical sketching and technical
drawing followed by architectural/structural drawings, electrical/electronic
drawings, machine drawings, and, finally, plumbing/piping drawings. Each
section has a vocabulary and symbology that is unique. There are superficial
directions on how the DM should approach each type of technical drawing
and the significance of different drawings within each type. The chapter ends
with hydraulic systems.
This chapter is not meant to be your sole reference to technical drawings.
Before plunging in to draw, revise, or interpret each type of technical
drawing, pull the appropriate references and study the symbols. As an
Illustrator Draftsman, you may or may not have an opportunity to work on
each of these types of technical drawings. You should, however, be familiar
with the various types of technical drawings and know where to look for
guidance in the event you are required to draw, revise, or interpret one.
Opportunity abounds for well-versed draftsmen in the civilian community
especially if you can compliment your knowledge and abilities with computer