Line Conventions, ContinuedViewing orcutting planelinesTo give a clearer view of obscure or oblique planes and interior or hiddenfeatures of an object that cannot be clearly observed in a conventional outsideview, use viewing or cutting plane lines respectively. Viewing or cuttingplane lines are the thickest of all lines. Viewing or cutting plane lines aresolid lines. Only when the cutting plane line is offset does the line appear asthick, short dashes.VIEWING PLANE LINES: Viewing plane lines indicate the plane or planesfrom which a surface or several surfaces are viewed.CUTTING PLANE LINES: Cutting plane lines indicate a plane or planesexposed by cutting and removing an imaginary section of the object. Theexposed plane is called the sectional view and the line used to cut the objectis referred to as the cutting plane line. Hidden lines behind the plane ofprojection are customarily omitted, while lines visible behind the plane ofprojection must be included in the sectional view.Figure 3-21 illustrates a cutting plane line.Figure 3-21.—Viewing and cutting plane lines.Continued on next page3-23
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