Figure 6-5.Main motor controller. A. Wiring diagram. B. Schematic.
latching coil CH, and opening contacts CH. The
opening of contacts CH de-energizes coil 1M, which
opens contacts 1M to stop the main motor. If an
overload occurs in the synchro supply circuit
(excessive current through 2OL), contacts 2OL will
open, deenergizing coil 2M to open contacts 2M. The
overloads are reset after tripping by pressing the
overload reset buttons. The equipment may be
operated in an overloaded condition by pressing the
emergency run buttons to shunt the overload contacts.
Aircraft electrical prints include schematic
diagrams and wiring diagrams. Schematic diagrams
show electrical operations. They are drawn in the
same manner and use the same graphic symbols from
ANSI Y32.2 as shipboard electrical schematics.
Aircraft electrical wiring diagrams show detailed
circuit information on all electrical systems. A master
wiring diagram is a single diagram that shows all the