Lettering Aids
Several mechanical devices assist the DM in creating finished lettering
suitable for display or reproduction. These devices include lettering guides,
photolettering machines, and mechanical lettering devices.
Letterguides are clear plastic templates pierced with holes that automatically
lay out lettering guidelines. One of the most basic lettering aids available,
letterguides eliminate the constant measurement of guidelines.
Lettering templates ensure that letters and figures made by them are
absolutely uniform. There are two main styles of lettering templates.
Letterspacing is accomplished optically. One style of templates is packaged
as lettering sets consisting of a series of engraved templates with a groove
along the bottom. Scribes, sometimes called bugs, fit a tailpin into the
template groove and trace letters on the template with a tracer pin to the
paper surface. Only technical pens with conical tips fit the scriber pen
holder. Do not apply an excessive amount of hand pressure when you are
lettering. This causes the pen to dig into the paper surface.
Figure 5-54 shows a template and scriber.
Figure 5-54.A template and scriber.
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