This chapter covers general safety precautions for and maintenance
procedures of the basic equipment used to produce a first-generation copy
from an original. Equipment and procedures are intentionally generic for
copiers, diazo machines, phototypesetters, lettering machines, and cameras
since different equipment is in every Navy shop. Familiarize yourself with
the equipment in your shop. It is not important that you learn brand name
equipment, only that you understand the theory behind the process on which
your equipment operates.
I have always found that a solid foundation in basic photographic theory,
camera operation, and film characteristics is a valuable asset as a DM. This
information applies to many aspects of our job and is a natural extension of
our creativity and visual literacy. Understanding tonal representation in
photography also helps to understand tone as it applies to the printing process
and CRT transmission. Study the Photographers Mate (Basic) manual. It is
well written and easily understood.
As with all processes, understanding how and why a process works unravels
the mystery of operator adjustments. Machines are logical and predictable.
Mastering reproduction equipment is essential. Knowing the processes
required to achieve an end product makes the creation of the product easier.