Supervision, Continued
ACCURACY: The administrative forms you complete and submit are only
as good as the accuracy of the information on them. Inaccurate figures
misrepresent situations and lead to misunderstandings that may cost the shop
funding and billet structure. So be accurate.
TIMELINESS: Complete tasks, both administrative and shop, on time.
Submitting input late is like not submitting input at all. Seniors and
subordinates appreciate and respond to timely consideration. When you are
unable to complete an item quickly, conduct regular follow-ups and provide
updates to individuals concerned.
If you are a supervisor, you are the frost and primary link to rating
knowledge. You have a responsibility to train subordinates and educate
seniors about your rate. You are the most experienced person onboard at
your level of expertise in your field. Make reference material available and
explore new technologies and products. If you are not the supervisor, your
obligation is to attend training, study all reference materials, and learn new
skills actively.
The following are a few recommendations for an effective training program:
Assemble all reference materials
current bibliography (BIB)
Personnel Advancement Requirements (PARS)
directives and instructions
rate training manual
manufacturers instruction manuals
civilian references
Establish a set time
without interruptions and as part of regular work routine
same day and time weekly
1 hour minimum
Review all material 3 months before exam
review to understand
quiz or test regularly
Continued on next page