It is important to have good quality brushes in the shop. We will cover two
types of brushes which are general-purpose brushes and paint brushes.
Keep shop brushes clean and free of abrasive particles that may scratch
surfaces when you use them. Use the brush for its intended purpose. Do not
whisk your drafting table with a brush just used to pickup dirt from the deck
during field day.
DRAFTSMANS BRUSHES: Draftsmans brushes clean away dust and
debris from working surfaces. They should not be overly abrasive as you
will be whisking this brush over work in progress.
CAMEL HAIR BRUSHES: Camel haired brushes clean mirrored surfaces,
camera lenses, and keyboards. They should be of a high quality soft bristle
to prevent scratching optical surfaces.
PASTE BRUSHES: Use paste brushes to apply glues and for general-
purpose work. They may be cheaper in quality, as most of these brushes are
Figure 2-66 shows the profile of common shop brushes.
Figure 2-66. Common shop
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