Brushes, Continued
Store brushes in a clean condition and in the upright position. Never allow a
brush to dry or set on its bristles. This permanently curls the bristles and
ruins the brush for further use. Use a glass, a mug, or a brush holder to
store brushes when they are not in use.
Figure 2-69 shows correctly stored brushes.
Figure 2-69. Store brushes.
Brush hair
The choice of a brush depends on the intended use, the desired effect, and the
nature of the pigment. Many types of natural and synthetic bristles or hair
are available in all shapes. Your creativity will dictate selection of the
appropriate brush; however, the novice should follow these guidelines for red
sable, camel hair, and ox hair.
RED SABLE: True red sable is the most desirable brush to use. Use it
primarily for watercolor and washes. It has a great capacity for holding
pigment and water while retaining a spring in the bristles. Red sable brushes
are very responsive when used with water soluble pigments. They become
less responsive with heavy bodied pigments, such as oil and acrylic.
Continued on next page