GraphsIntroductionGraphs are a graphic representation of quantitative data such as a table orchart. A graph, or chart, conveys information, data, and statistics forcomparison, analysis, and prediction. Graphs are easier to understand than atable of text and figures. The graphs covered in this segment are rectangularcoordinate graphs, bar graphs, line graphs, percentage bar graphs, and piecharts.RectangularcoordinategraphsRectangular coordinate graphs show the relationship between two or morevariables. You can plot a large number of points and compare their relatedcurves to show overall trends as opposed to absolute quantities. These pointsor coordinates reflect quantities in relation to a given reference frame.Referenceframey- axis and x-axis is the coordinate 0, (0,0), or origin. This intersectioncreates four quadrants, numbered counterclockwise I, II, III, and IV. Thefollowing table lists the value of each quadrant:A reference frame of a rectangular coordinate graph is a vertical and ahorizontal line that intersect at a 90-degree angle. The vertical line is they-axis and the horizontal line is the x-axis. The point of intersection of theQuadrantValueQuadrant IPositive values along each axis.Quadrant IINegative x-axis values, positive y-axis values.Quadrant IIINegative values along each axis.Quadrant VIPositive x-axis values, negative y-axis values.Continued on next page2-18
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