Hanging, Continued
Hanging images
GRID ARRANGEMENT: A gridded arrangement is the most dynamic
arrangement particularly if the items are irregularly sized. This arrangement
is also the best choice for unrelated display items. Divide the display area or
wall into sections or a grid. Place the most important work in the center and
place the other work on the cross sections of the grid. This technique draws
viewers in and directs their line of sight toward the center.
Figure 4-3 shows a gridded arrangement.
Figure 4-3. Cross sections
of the grid direct the
placement of images.
STEPPED or DIAGONAL ARRANGEMENT: A stepped or diagonal
arrangement is the most difficult arrangement to create successfully. It is
hard to follow and requires some effort on the part of the viewer. The
viewers line of sight is led away from other images toward the floor or
ceiling. Use it sparingly.
Figure 4-4 shows a stepped or diagonal arrangement.
Figure 4-4. A stepped or
diagonal can direct a viewer's
attention away from the image.