Viewgraphs, Continued
Mounting a
Once you produce a viewgraph, you should mount it, particularly if it is part
of a canned or permanent brief. Standard sized precut mounts are available
with generally similar aperture openings. Mounts may be plastic or
cardboard. If you have to make your own mount, any lightweight, opaque
material will suffice. Position the viewgraph face down in the aperture
opening, tape all around the edges of the foil out of the way of the image area
with transparent plastic tape. Masking tape does not hold up well under
excessive handling and heat. Cellophane tape will become brittle with age.
When mounting more than one foil on a multi-foil static projectural, tape the
edges of each foil with a 2-inch strip of tape and the final foil all the wav
Figure 2-25 shows a foil taped to a mount.
Figure 2-25. Taping foils to the back of the frame.
Continued on next page