This chapter covers elementary theory of television transmission. Graphics,
produced within area limitations and color restrictions, project well.
Progressive disclosure adds dimension to an otherwise static display of
information. Computer-generated art or video footage is rapidly replacing
standard studio television graphics.
It is unfortunate so few Illustrator Draftsmen have the opportunity to
interface on a large scale with computer-generated television graphics. Video
manipulation is a fascinating and mushrooming field. Prime examples of the
fluidity of the medium are the movies Forrest Gump and Toy Story. In
Forrest Gump, familiar images were inperceptivley manipulated to give false
impressions. Toy Story is the pinnacle of animated three-dimensional
sophistication. Should you have the opportunity to use computer graphics in
an official capacity for the Navy, you have a moral, ethical, and legal
obligation to portray imagery truthfully. Research the instructions that
pertain to audiovisual imagery and follow them.