Proofreader's Marks, Continued
Text review
Once you complete the preliminary review, begin marking type styles and
sizes. Stamp or write, in the upper-left corner of each page, the type style
and size, desired leading, and the width of the line. Mark headings, legends,
and display lines separately maintaining uniformity throughout the document.
Mark legends for type size and length of line. Key artwork into the
manuscript by inserting the notation "illustration no.
inserted here."
Make sure all text to be set in italics, small caps, and caps are correct.
Underlining a word indicates italics, two underlines means set the text in
small caps, three underlines means large caps and a wavy underline means
set the word in boldface.
Margin and
Review the copy again, this time mark all indentations. It is not necessary to
mark paragraphs if they are clearly indicated in type. Marks for paragraphs
include the paragraph sign (¶), or the em square
. Mark "fl" next to lines
that run flush. Mark unusual indentations. Numbers 1 through 9 are
indented 1 em or 1 en (1 nut), while two-digit numbers are set flush to align
figures set in type. Set tables one type size smaller than the main body type
and set box heads one type size smaller than table type.
Nothing should be left for the printer to question. Mark anything that is not
easily understood. Emphasize mathematical symbols, Greek letters, unusual
spellings and abbreviations. Indicate that these irregularities must remain by
marking "stet" or "follow" next to them. If making notations on the copy,
circle it so that the printer does not confuse it with the copy. Once you
complete your review of the text, edit the copy again to make sure you are
consistent with your marks and instructions.
Continued on next page