Viewgraphs, Continued
The use of overlays is one of the most effective features of overhead
projection. Using overlays is one way to turn a static display into a dynamic
display. Overlays progressively and selectively reveal elements and portions
of information to enhance communication. Mount the base foil to the mount
first. Fasten each overlay with tape or commercially available hinges on the
left or right side of the veiwgraph. If mounting multiple overlays in a given
sequence, tape them all on one side of the mount. This ensures that they will
always appear in order. If there are many overlays for consecutive
disclosure, start taping the overlays on the right side, working clockwise until
the last overlay is taped along the top edge. Trim off any excess acetate to
make the overlay lie smoothly against the mount. Attach small tabs of tape
to the edges and number in sequence.
Figure 2-26 shows a multiple foil overlay.
Figure 2-26. Multiple foil overlays.
Continued on next page