Glossary, Continued
FACEAlso called TYPEFACE. A style of type.
FADE-INTo bring an image from a pale version into full contrast
FADE-OUT To bring an image from a full contrast of darks and lights to a
pale version gradually.
FEATHERA bleeding effect where small featherlike indications surround
the characters.
FEATUREA cartoon panel or strip appearing regularly in a publication.
FELT NIB PENA drawing pen with a felt nib or tip that ink soaks through
from a reservoir.
FERRULEThe part of a brush that holds the hairs or bristles.
FIGUREA line illustration or photograph of any kind used in a
FILLSColor, shades, or patterns added to computer-generated imagery.
FILM NEGATIVEA photolithographic negative produced by a process
FILM POSITIVEA film- or acetate-based material having a black area or
image and a translucent or clear background.
FILM SPEEDThe degree of light sensitivity of film.
FINE ARTThe personal expression of the artist who creates it.
FINISHED ARTAny piece of artwork complete or ready for reproduction.
FINISH MARKSMarks used to indicate the degree of smoothness of the
finish on machined surfaces.
Continued on next page