This chapter defines cartooning, caricature, and animation. Elemental
construction of basic cartooning involving the action lines, head, hands, feet,
and upper and lower torso in basic forms provide a foundation for the
development of cartoons. Incidental construction of clothing, settings, and
props explains the importance of setting the stage of cartoons. Technique
emphasizes practice in the development of personal style.
Attributing art to an individual without first seeing a signature is a form of
recognition. This recognition or personal style is something all DMs strive
to attain, some with more success than others. We have all transferred to
duty stations where we see work left by previous DMs. After we transfer,
incoming, up-and-coming DMs will look at our work. Make sure the work
you leave behind is your best. Practice to be the best.
Caricature drawing is one of the most sought after skills a DM offers. Once
a DMs ability to draw caricatures becomes known, that individual will be
repeatedly asked for art. Use your natural sense of humor in observing those
around you. Cartooning and caricature drawing go a long way toward
cementing your reputation as a talented and versatile Illustrator Draftsman.